Athlete begins on starting mat. At call of 3-2-1 go they advance to their rings and complete 9 ring muscle ups. They then advance to the Dball and complete 9 Dballs over shoulder. Athletes return to the rings and perform 7 ring muscle ups before going to the Dball and performing 7 Dball over shoulder. The final round is 5 ring muscle ups and 5 Dball over shoulder. The clock stops when athletes return to the finish mat.
Event 22.4 – Dball Amanda

For time: Time cap is 8:00
Ring Muscle up
Dball over shoulder
ELITE/RX/35-49: (150/100)
16-17/50+: (100/80) (3-2-1 RMU)
14-15: (80/60) (3-2-1 RMU)
SCALED/NOVICE: (100/80) Toes to Rings