
Qualifier 20.3 – 400 FGB

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For time:
80 wall balls
80 cleans
80 box jump overs
80 shoulder to overhead
80 calorie row

20/14 lb wall ball to 10ft/9ft target
75/55 lb bar
24/20 inch box

60 repetitions per movement. Step overs allowed.

*25:00 time cap


Wall ball – Athlete must start with ball off the ground, pass through a squat with the hip clearly below the knee, and hit the prescribed target.

Clean – Bar must start on the floor and finish in the front rack position with elbows in front of the bar and full extension of knee and hip.

Box jump overs – Athletes must start on one side of the box and jump off two feet. The repetition is complete when both feet touch the ground on the opposite side of the box. At no time can the hands touch the box. Lateral or box facing jumps are permitted. Step ups are only permitted in the Scaled/50+ divisions.

Shoulder to overhead – The repetition begins with the bar in a front rack position. The athlee may push the bar to overhead by any means necessary, but must come to a controlled and fully locked out position overhead for the rep to be complete. Hips and knees must also be locked, with the feet underneath the hips.

Row – Be a viking.