Movement Standards
Devil Press – Hands must be on the dumbbell handles during the burpee portion of the movement. Athletes will touch their chest to the ground between the two dumbbells, then swing the weights to overhead in any way necessary. The rep is finished when both dumbbells are locked out overhead and under control. A clean and jerk is permitted.
DB bear crawl – Dumbbells must start behind the start line. Hands must be on the dumbbell handles at all times during the forwad and reverse versions of the bear crawl. Grabbing the heads of the dumbbells is not permitted. Athletes may lift or drag the dumbbells, but must advance both dumbbells beyond the finish line to complete the distance.
Chest to bar pull up – Athlete must start with arms completely locked and feet off the ground. The rep is complete when the chest makes contact with the bar anywhere below the collar bone.
Ring Rows – Athletes must start with their feet directly under the rings as they hang from the rig and with the top of the ring measuring to their hip. Each rep begins with the arms straight and finishes when the athlete makes contact with the chest.
Handstand walk – Hands must start behind the start line and finish beyond the finish line. If the athlete falls before the finish line, they must back up to the most recent 5 foot line they completed to restart their attempt.