At the call of GO, Athletes will move the pull-up bar and begin performing pull-ups. After completing nine repetitions, athletes will move to the barbell and complete 9 thrusters. Once all 9 thruster reps are completed, the athlete must side step carry the bar (front rack or DL carry allowed) to the next section away from the rig. Athletes will then return to the pull-up bar to perform 15 pull-ups then complete 15 thrusters. Once all 15 thruster reps are completed, the athlete must side step carry the bar (front rack or DL carry allowed) to the next section away from the rig. Athletes then complete 21 pull-ups and 21 thrusters. After the final thruster, athletes will sprint to the finish.
The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
The rep is credited when the athlete’s chin breaks the horizontal plane of the bar.
Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met.
Wearing hand protection is permitted (Gloves, gymnastic style grips, etc).
Athletes are allowed to apply chalk onto the bar, but no other substances will be permitted.
The repetition begins with the athletes heels in front of the marked line and the legs and arms fully extended.
The rep is credited when any portion of the ring touches the chest or shoulder
The legs and hips must remain straight throughout the movement.
This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead.
The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position.
The rep is credited when the athlete’s hip, knees, and arms are fully extended and the bar is directly over, or slightly behind, the middle of the body.
The athlete must “ghost” ride the bar down for safety. Any bar directly dropped from overhead, in front of or behind the athlete will result in a no-rep.
If the barbell is dropped, it must settle on the ground before the athlete picks it up for the next repetition
A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed when the bar is taken from the floor.