Discovery Park
We’re excited to bring 2025 Norcal Classic to historic Discovery Park in the heart of Sacramento. A venue that is home to massive music festivals throughout the year, Discovery Park has an abundance of space and shade, while holding true to the gritty, outdoor vibe NCC is known for.
Event Address
1600 Garden Highway
Sacramento, CA 95833
General Parking
General Parking will be available in the park outside of the festival area, but still within walking distance (roughly 3/4 mile). This is the same parking as is available to the public and will fill up. Once it is full, the park will turn cars around. There will be NO shuttles operating within the park. Once you leave the park you are not guaranteed re-entry.
VIP Parking
The VIP Parking will be directly adjacent to the festival area. This is perfect for athletes, coaches, volunteers, and spectators that need to access their cars throughout the day or have equipment to load in/out. Because a finite number of these tags will be sold ahead of the event, all VIP pass holders have unlimited re-entry privileges.