The workout begins with a single, unloaded barbell. Athletes must add their own weights, but may do so in any way during the 7:00 clock to achieve the 3 RM thruster and 5 RM deadlift. The lifts do not need to be performed in any particular order, but they must be consecutive (touch and go). No straps or racks may be used. Only the heaviest 3 RM and heaviest 5 RM will be counted towards the athlete’s final score.
Score for the workout is the total poundage between the two max efforts.
The workout begins with two unloaded barbells. Male athletes share one, female athletes share the other. Teammates can assist each other changing weights, and may do so in any way during the 7:00 clock to achieve the 3 RM thruster and 5 RM deadlift. The lifts do not need to be performed in any particular order, but they must be consecutive (touch and go). No straps or racks may be used. Each athlete’s heaviest 3 RM and heaviest 5 RM will be counted towards the teams final score.
Score for the workout is the total poundage between the 8 max efforts.
Thruster Standard – Bar must start on the ground. No squat racks or third party assistance allowed. The athlete must pass through a front squat where the hip crease clearly drops below the knee, and then come to full extension with the bar pressed overhead with control. No re-dipping, or jerking, under the bar is permitted.
Deadlift Standard – Bar must start on the ground with the grip outside the knees. The rep is completed when the athlete lifts the bar from the ground to the hang position and has fully extended their knees and hips. Sumo style deadlifting is not permitted. Straps are not permitted.