
Qualifier 19.4 – Grind House

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15:00 AMRAP:
60 KB swings (24kg/16kg)
50 calorie assault bike
40 toes to bar
30 hang cleans (135/95)
20 strict HSPU

60 KB swings (24kg/16kg)
50 calorie assault bike
40 toes to bar
30 hang cleans (95/65)
20 hand release push ups

15:00 AMRAP:
60 KB swings (24kg/16kg)
50 calorie assault bike
40 knee raises
30 hang cleans (95/65)
20 hand release push ups


Event 4 begins with 60 KB swings. After completing that work, the athlete moves to the Assault bike for 50 calories, then 40 toes to bar, then 30 hang cleans, and finally 20 strict handstand pushups. If there is additional time remaining on the clock after finishing the handstand pushups, athletes will move back to the kettlebell and begin the workout again. Score for the workout is total reps completed.


Athlete 1 begins the workout by performing 60 KB swings. After completing that work, the athlete moves to the Assault bike for 50 calories, then 40 toes to bar, then 30 hang cleans, and finally 20 strict handstand pushups. If there is additional time remaining on the clock after finishing the handstand pushups, athletes will move back to the kettlebell and begin the workout again.

Athlete 2 begins the workout when Athlete 1 completes the KB swings. Athlete 3 begins the workout when Athlete 2 completes the KB swings. Athlete 4 begins the workout when Athlete 3 completes the KB swings. At no time can any athlete overtake a teammate in front of them or be working on the same movement.

The score for the workout is the total reps completed as a team.


KB Swing Standard – The swing begins with the kettlebell off the ground and arms extended and finishes with the kettlebell directly overhead with arms extended. The bottom of the kettlebell should be facing the ceiling and the head clearly visible in front of the arms. A bent arm finish or tilted kb finish is not permitted.

Assault Bike Standard – Assault bikes must start at zero and finish at 50 calories. For teams, athletes must reset the bike between sets.

Toes to Bar Standard – The rep begins with the athlete’s arms extended and feet off the floor. The rep is completed when both feet touch the bar simultaneously inside the width of the athlete’s grip. The heels must pass behind the plane of the bar to begin each new rep.

Hanging Knee Raise Standard – The rep begins with the athlete’s arms extended and feet off the floor. The rep is completed when both knees rise above the belly button. The heels must pass behind the plane of the bar to begin each new rep.

Hang Clean Standard – The rep begins with the bar above the knee with legs and arms extended. The rep is completed when the bar is in the front rack position with the elbows clearly in front of the bar and the legs extended. The bar may not travel below the knee unless being dropped between reps. The arms must extend between repetitions. No bent arm cycling allowed.

Strict Handstand Push Up Standard – The rep begins with the athlete against the wall in handstand position. The hands must stay within a 36″ wide and 34″ deep box. The rep is completed when the athlete has touched their head to the floor and regained full extension of the arms in handstand. No kipping or using the legs to assist the push up. The athletes butt may NOT touch the wall at any time.

Hand Release Push Up Standard – The rep begins with the toes and hands on the ground, but nothing else. The athlete must touch their chest to the ground, lift their hands clearly off of the ground, then lift themselves back to the starting position. At no time can the legs touch the ground. Athlete must maintain a straight back throughout (no piking).